Daily Archives: December 27, 2015

First and Last Post of The Year (2015년 12월 27일)

Hey there! Whoever might have chanced to find this website.  I’m just going to say hi to you earthling.  It’s been a while since I posted anything in here.  Well I sometimes visit the website once or maybe twice a month but I haven’t really gotten anything going in here.  I promised in my earlier posts that I would be doing more work but ended up doing nothing so…what a total bummer! I’m a promise breaker and I should probably drown in the feces of unborn fishes.  If they have.  I don’t really think that there is any need to post this post, but I actually have a tiny bit of update for anyone who is reading this.  Just recently, I downloaded this app called Hellotalk and that’s what I’m going to talk about in this post.


This is not my screen shot, but as you can see you can talk with Korean natives who want to learn English  in this app.  It’s totally free, but if you want more benefits you could go premium which includes learning or teaching one more language.  This enables you to practice your written and maybe even speaking skills.  Although I have only tried calling a Korean native once and we didn’t really have a lot to talk about.  Have I told you that this is not only restricted for Korean learning? Oh I haven’t? Well now I have.  You can also practice other languages.  I haven’t checked them out yet, but you could try it for yourselves and see what other languages you could learn with it.

Another thing is that Koreans that you meet using this app tend to want to transfer to another app and that app is (insert drum roll please) unsurprisingly Kakaotalk.  You can actually download this app on your phone and on your PC or Mac.  Since they are Korean so it’s not really surprising that they would prefer Kakaotalk.  Anyway thee is’t much difference except maybe that Kakaotalk’s interface is so much cuter than any messaging app that I’ve ever seen.   It’s super adorable and with tons of emoji.  I think you’ll love it!

Here’s another screenshot which is once again not mine.


And that’s it for this post! I hope to visit this site more often as my new years resolution for the year 2016! (good luck with that gal)
